Your shadow is the reason you get furious over a friend showing up late, yell at your kids when they have done nothing wrong, and sabotage your own success at the worst possible times. Until you are able to face your dark side, you will continue to hurt yourself and those closest to you and fall short of your potential. |
Part I, Deepak Chopra gives us a comprehensive overview of our dualistic nature and offers a prescription to return to wholeness. |
Part II, Debbie Ford offers an accessible yet in-depth examination of the birth of the shadow, the role of the shadow in our everyday lives, and how we can reclaim the power and brilliance of your authentic nature. |
Part III, Marianne Williamson touches our heart and mind with a provocative exploration of the connection between the shadow and the soul. |
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A magnificent future awaits. Unveil your power, your creativity and your dreams while letting go of the shadows that keep you stuck in the past and repeating the same negative behaviors over and over again. The Shadow Process is a world-renowned three day workshop where you will uncover, own and embrace the very essence of your most powerful self.
Dates: July 9-11, 2010 in Rhinebeck, New York, or October 28-31, 2010 in San Diego, California
Deepak offers you the Seduction of Spirit, a 6-day meditation retreat, where you will have the rare opportunity to learn the secrets of meditation, unlock the stillness that rests within your soul, and connect to your inner essence like never before. With daily energy work, yoga practice and meditation, you will create an opening of your emotional and spiritual pathways.
Dates: August 22–28, 2010 Sedona, Arizona or November 14–20, 2010 Carlsbad, California
From the comfort of your home, watch the movie that inspired the book with Deepak, Debbie, Marianne, James Van Praagh, and other renowned teachers. You will be taken on an emotionally gripping visually stunning journey that exposes the opposing forces of both light and dark that compete for attention within every human being. In this documentary which has been featured in film festivals around the world, you will be inspired to embrace the part of yourself that will give you the courage to speak your truth, let go of the past and reclaim your greatest self.
Date: Anytime
It is your birthright to live a compelling future. Find it in this 90-minute transformational podcast, a gift from Hay House. Enjoy the experience of Lesson 1 of the 8-week Shadow Effect Online Workshop. Walk away with a better vision for your future and see what’s possible when you’re expertly guided through The Shadow Effect.
Date: Anytime
We are born of love and we learn to fear. In this 60-minute teleprogram, Marianne and Debbie will take you through the darkness of your fears and back into the light of your big, loving heart. This is an amazing opportunity for you to dialogue directly with Marianne and Debbie.
Date: Wednesday June 16th at 5:00 PM Pacific
Deepak is one of the greatest thinkers of our time. In this 20-minute exploration, Deepak will dialogue with Debbie to uncover roots of our shadows and the power of integrating them and stepping into being a whole human being.
Date: Anytime after May 15th

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